Thanks to all who have shared pictures and information. 
Compiled and listed by:  Billy Phillips Sanders.


To send me e-mail:  CLICK HERE


If you get a "box" where you feel a picture should be:  Try hitting the "refresh" or "reload" button - this will usually get them all. 
          If it has an [x]  (near top left), you "usually" can "right-click" on the [x] and then click on  "show picture". 


Click on any picture and you should see "full size".    Use "BACK" to return to page you were on.   

Download:  (other than the "Home Page" picture), if you see a picture you would like to "download":  just click on the picture and you should see "full size".
Then "right-click" on that picture and select "save picture as ...
Next window (near top) shows where it will be saved (usually My documents/My pictures), and towards bottom will show "name" it will be saved as.  
(There are a lot of other ways to do almost same thing.)
With some "browsers" you can just "right-click" on the small picture and select "save target as ..."  This will save the "larger" picture instead of showing it to you.
 If you select "save picture as ..." from small picture it will only save the "small" picture.  Some pictures are only small.
Now back to the "Home Page" picture (with small pictures and "text" as part of it); it will download as one picture.  If you want the small ones alone; they are in the newsletters and can be downloaded from there.  This one is a bit large and on a slow modem like mine it takes a long time to download.  I will try to "balance" quality and size best I can.  Some of these pictures I am working with look as if they were washed on an old "rub-board" so don't expect too much quality.  If you see a picture you wish to print or whatever and need more quality, e-mail me and ask.  It may be possible to send you a larger (usually better quality) copy - just remember it also will take longer to download.  I am "testing" different quality and sizes on several kinds of printers; and will try to post a page with quality you can download and print - as soon as possible.  Most of these I am now using will not print very good.

Please do not sent large files by e-mail.  My modem just can't handle them.  Just e-mail me and tell me about them first.  Their size and who is in them.  I may already have copies (getting them all on the web will take a long time) but I will appreciate the note and may come by and get a copy - and get to see you in the process.   I can only hope this will get better organized as time goes by.  Please remember that information in the three old newsletters is "dated" (as in "out of").