Aunt Dora /
/Grandma Phillips
Tom Doug Edna Judy Russel Roberta Ruth Martha Billy
Ashlee and Dustin (#007)(Bill Jones)
and Sierra (Genifer Koerner)
January 1999
Well hello folks, here we are, again starting a new year. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I’m thinking (I don’t get paid for it, but anyway), my though was that maybe since God gave us a new year to look forward too, that I would start a series of newsletters and in order to do that I would need some help. Maybe you would all look forward to all the news and what’s happening in our family across the country. I know I would. I enjoy every moment I spend with each one of you, even though those moments are few.
I can’t give you a lot of info this time because I haven’t heard from many people. I can only tell you about my family. I know you could call that bragging, but that’s okay. I’ll just brag awhile.
Over the holidays Gene and I traveled to Texas. Off to San Antonio to see my three sisters. Edna (Okie) Martha & Ruth. But first we drove to Bob & Sandy’s and split our trip in almost half. The first night we stayed at Bob & Sandy’s, then traveled on down to San Antonio the next day. We called Okie first and she didn’t answer, but Sue did. So we spent three days with Billy & Sue. While there we saw Ruth & Pete, Edna, Carol, Billy & Sue. We had a great time while there. They took us to the River Walk and down to Corpus to the beach. Thanks guys, we had a wonderful time. However, we missed Martha Lou. She had made a trip up to Oklahoma to visit Robert in Wister. We got caught in some pretty cold weather but other than that all was well. On our way home we stopped at Bob & Sandy’s again. They had our room waiting. Thanks guys.
Now for my family. The kids are all fine. They all live here except Debra and she lives in Carson City, Nev. She is married to Micheal and they have three little girls; Holly 15, Bridget 4, and Michelle 2. Debbie works and her husband is in the army.
Benny lives here in Oklahoma City. He is trying to open a garage. Seams to be doing OK.
Billy & Shellie live in the country near Newcastle, (just south of OKC). They have three children; Eric 19, Dustin 15, and Ashlee 9. Bill & Shellie both work in the city. Eric also. Dustin races motorcycles. Ashlee has a horse she loves to ride. Shellie also does the concession stand at the motorcross some week-ends. Dustin has really excelled in racing and will someday be a professional. Be on the look out for #007 "Dustin Charles Jones". (Bragging again.)
Thomas & Teresa live in Moore. TT is the telephone man for Mid-first Bank. Teresa works at the Intergus Baptist Center. They have three children; Micheal 21, Cheree 18, and Dana 11. They love to cook and work out.
Joe & Genifer (my daughter) live down the street from us. They have a four year old girl: Sierra. They are expecting in August. Joe is manager of Labor Finders and Genifer goes to school.
Dale, (our baby) is 21 now and he is married to Sarah. They live down the street from us. We see them ever so often. Dale works at The Moore School, and Sarah at the grocery/gas store on our corner.
I still work for Lucent and will have my 20 years in next year. So that’s the story on our family. I’ll shut up about us. But, if you send me news about your family (include pictures); I promise I’ll give them just as much time.
Remember the family get together will be in May. The 22nd and 23rd. Don’t forget your cakes, veggies and auction item. Should be lots of fun. Knowing Oklahoma I think I would bring winter and summer clothes. Maybe even an umbrella.
Now here’s a few more lines learn and tell to add to Sandy’s:
Age 52: I’ve learned I should make little decisions with my head, and the
big decisions with my heart.
Age 46: You can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes. After that, you
better know something.
Age 78: I’ve learned that to love and be loved is the greatest joy in the
Age 14: Laying on the green grass in an empty field makes you feel soooo good.
Age 51: You shouldn’t expect life’s best, if you’re not giving it your
very best.
Age 95: Deciding whom you marry is the most important decision you will ever
Age 6: If you put a June Bug down a girls dress she’ll go crazy.
Age 54: You can’t hug your kids too much.
Age 59: If you depend on others to make you happy, you will be endlessly
Age 81: You should keep your promises, no matter what.
Age 51: You should fill your life with experiences, not excuses.
Age 16: You can never have to many friends.
Age 51: We are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.
Age 64: If you wait for all conditions to be perfect before you act; you’ll
never act.
Age 5: Goldfish don’t like jello.
Age 54: I cannot expect others to solve my problems.
Age 50: If you really care, it shows.
Age 72: It’s just as important to forget a wrong, as it is to remember a
Age 26: Love can break your heart, but it’s worth it.
Age 39: You should treasure your children for what they are, not for what you
want them to be.
Age 9: You can be in love with four girls at the same time.
Age 85: It’s never to late to improve yourself.
Age 14: Good feelings get even better when you share them with someone.
Age 52: If love in not taught in the home it’s difficult to learn it anywhere
Age 45: It’s better not to wait for a crises to discover what’s important in
your life.
Age 20: Trust is the most important factor in both personal and professional
Age 51: You shouldn’t do anything that wouldn’t make your mother proud.
Age 97: I’ve learned I still have a lot to learn.
Do you have a line, learn & tell poem? If so add it to mine and Sandies. Just mail it to me or Sandy & Bob.
This is a picture of Janet & Tim Bronson.
(Janet Phillips)
(Bobby’s oldest Girl)
(Bob & Sandy’s oldest granddaughter)
from Gladewater, Texas.
Jim & Kelli Phillips are the proud parents of Michael Lee Phillips, born Dec. 11. 1998. They already have three other children: Terry, Dakota, and Casey.
Bob & Sandy spent Christmas at Bob & Artie Delplank’s house with Jim & Kelli & children.
Bob & Artie’s son - Hoss _ is running for mayor of Poteau.
Ophelia & Martha went by Bob & Sandy’s in February.
The last time I saw Bob & Sandy they said they would be catching turkeys on Monday. And big mouth Billy said "why"? The reply was: "just for the hell of it." I hope they had fun.
I would like to get another news letter in the mail soon, so send me your news. Also I have a letter that Betty wrote me a few years back and I want to share it with you. Okay with you Betty? It’s about how Poteau has grown. But I have to locate it first. Maybe by the next one.
If you enjoy this others will follow, as long as I get some news. Remember to send me pictures and dated material. Would sure help to have as much specific information as I could get. Things don’t have to be personal. By saving these newsletters you will enentually have a little family history. Thanks.
If you have half a mind to do something, it might be wise to check with the other half before acting.
For the kids: What does whales have for lunch?
Answer: fish & ships.
That’s all folks
The end
Bye for now
Newsline Nose